Ceph deploy from docs.ceph.com

  • Use curl to fetch the most recent version of the standalone script.
curl --silent --remote-name --location https://github.com/ceph/ceph/raw/quincy/src/cephadm/cephadm

Make the cephadm script executable:

chmod +x cephadm

This script can be run directly from the current directory:

./cephadm <arguments...>
  • Although the standalone script is sufficient to get a cluster started, it is convenient to have the cephadm command installed on the host. To install the packages that provide the cephadm command, run the following commands:
./cephadm add-repo --release quincy
./cephadm install

Confirm that cephadm is now in your PATH by running which:

which cephadm

A successful which cephadm command will return this:


Some Linux distributions may already include up-to-date Ceph packages. In that case, you can install cephadm directly. For example:

In Ubuntu:

apt install -y cephadm

In CentOS Stream:

dnf search release-ceph
dnf install --assumeyes centos-release-ceph-quincy
dnf install --assumeyes cephadm

In Fedora:

dnf -y install cephadm


zypper install -y cephadm

Run the ceph bootstrap command:

# cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip *<mon-ip>*
cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip --cluster-network

This command will:

  • Create a monitor and manager daemon for the new cluster on the local host.
  • Generate a new SSH key for the Ceph cluster and add it to the root user’s /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
  • Write a copy of the public key to /etc/ceph/ceph.pub.
  • Write a minimal configuration file to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. This file is needed to communicate with the new cluster.
  • Write a copy of the client.admin administrative (privileged!) secret key to /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring.
  • Add the _admin label to the bootstrap host. By default, any host with this label will (also) get a copy of /etc/ceph/ceph.conf and /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring.
  • You can pass any initial Ceph configuration options to the new cluster by putting them in a standard ini-style configuration file and using the –config *<config-file>* option. For example:
$ cat <<EOF> initial-ceph.conf
osd crush chooseleaf type = 0
$ ./cephadm bootstrap --config initial-ceph.conf ...

Cephadm does not require any Ceph packages to be installed on the host. However, we recommend enabling easy access to the ceph command. There are several ways to do this:

  • The cephadm shell command launches a bash shell in a container with all of the Ceph packages installed. By default, if configuration and keyring files are found in /etc/ceph on the host, they are passed into the container environment so that the shell is fully functional. Note that when executed on a MON host, cephadm shell will infer the config from the MON container instead of using the default configuration. If –mount <path> is given, then the host <path> (file or directory) will appear under /mnt inside the container:
cephadm shell
  • To execute ceph commands, you can also run commands like this:
cephadm shell -- ceph -s
  • You can install the ceph-common package, which contains all of the ceph commands, including ceph, rbd, mount.ceph (for mounting CephFS file systems), etc.:
cephadm add-repo --release quincy
cephadm install ceph-common

Confirm that the ceph command is accessible with:

ceph -v

Confirm that the ceph command can connect to the cluster and also its status with:

ceph status

By default, a ceph.conf file and a copy of the client.admin keyring are maintained in /etc/ceph on all hosts with the _admin label, which is initially applied only to the bootstrap host. We usually recommend that one or more other hosts be given the _admin label so that the Ceph CLI (e.g., via cephadm shell) is easily accessible on multiple hosts. To add the _admin label to additional host(s):

ceph orch host label add *<host>* _admin
ceph orch host ls

There are a few ways to create new OSDs:

  • Tell Ceph to consume any available and unused storage device:
ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices
  • Create an OSD from a specific device on a specific host:
ceph orch daemon add osd *<host>*:*<device-path>*

For example:

ceph orch daemon add osd host-01:/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd
ceph orch daemon add osd host-02:/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd
ceph orch daemon add osd host-03:/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc,/dev/sdd

Advanced OSD creation from specific devices on a specific host:

ceph orch daemon add osd host1:data_devices=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,db_devices=/dev/sdc,osds_per_device=2

Verify OSD tree

ceph osd tree